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 We make it rain

The Problem

Produced Water

Produced water, a brine solution, is typically considered a waste product resulting from energy production. This byproduct has traditionally been disposed of in a salt disposal well, contributing to increased energy costs. However, with innovative approaches, produced water can be repurposed to reduce costs and promote environmental sustainability.

Our Solution

Evaporative Cooling


Oilfield Tough Design

This particular equipment has been engineered with a standard oilfield design to ensure its ability to withstand any obstacle that may arise in the oilfield.  Every component of the evaporator has meticulously crafted to serve its intended purpose and provide long-lasting durability


Waste Reduction

Our cutting-edge technology is capable of efficiently reducing the volume of most produced waters by up to 30%, even in the presence of solids. Furthermore, we possess the ability to swiftly interchange media to ensure seamless resumption of operations.


Engineering Design

The process modeling for the evaporator in question was executed utilizing the advanced software tools of AspenTech's Hysys and AspenPLUS. In addition, the weather modeling was based on the historicals provided by the reputable source of NOAA.


Highly Economic

It is a common  for operators to achieve a straight-line payout within a timeframe of 6-12 months, taking into consideration the deferred disposal costs. In the event that the operator is able to utilize the on-site cooling, the capital savings can be realized from the very first day.

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The Rainmaker 250 and Rainmaker 1000 are two effective solutions for produced water removal and cooling. The Rainmaker 250 is capable of removing approximately 250 barrels per day of produced water and providing cooling of 1-3 million British thermal units per hour. Meanwhile the Rainmaker 1000 can remove around 1000 barrels per day of produced water and offer cooling of 4-10 million British thermal units per hour. These are based on annual averages in Midland, Texas.

Contact Us


9226 S Elwood Ave Ste B

Jenks OK, 74037



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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